First Freewill Baptist Union Society of Canandaigua

Later known as:  The Union Church of Cheshire, then:

Cheshire Community Church



Transcribed by Kevin Andrew Cotter in the years 1993 and 1994 

Typists: Charlene Luffman, Barbara R. Cotter, Kevin Andrew Cotter 

Copyright 1997, Kevin Andrew Cotter, All Rights Reserved

(The spelling of the names has been corrected when known.) 

Organizational Meeting 12/5/1840

According to previous notice, a meeting of the inhabitants of village of Cheshire and vicinity, on the 5th day of December, l840 was convened; -when elder E.. F. Crane was called to the chair, and Lester Hulse was chosen Secretary and Moses Ward Sen. Assistant Moderator. 

1st Resolve that we form ourselves into a society to be known by the name of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua. 

2nd. Resolve that we appoint Seven Trustees to manage the affairs off said society. On motion Amasa Salisbury, Justice Rose, Lester Hulse, Orin B. Moss, Elias Huntly, Wm. B. Prouty and Moses Ward were chosen to serve as Trustees. 

3rd On motion Orin B. Moss was chosen as standing Clerk. 

4th Resolve, that this Society direct the Trustees to take measures to erect a meeting house in the village of Cheshire. 

5th Resolve, that the site of said House be on the Land of Orin B.. Moss, South of Edward Doolittle's house. 

6th Resolve, that annual meeting shall be held on the first Monday in December, in each year, for the Election of Trustees and such other business as shall come before the Society. Ezra F. Crane} Chairman Lester Hulse} Sec. 

* Book D page 220 Misc. Records.

Deed Recording

The above was recorded in the Ontario. Co. Clerks Office March l2th l841.

The Deed of the Meeting house in Cheshire is given one half to the FreeWill Baptist Society, and one half to other religious denominations. Deed recorded. Book 7l of deeds at page 265.

December 1841

At the annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society held in the village of Cheshire pursuant to adjournment on the first Monday in Dec. 1841. Justice Rose was chosen chairman and Orin B. Moss Secretary; John A.Van Wie was chosen Trustee in place of Amasa Salisbury whose term of service had expired. On motion seconded, it was Resolved that the Freewill Baptist society shall have use of the house now erected for the worship of God one half of the time; and the other Religious denominations, are to have the use of the Meeting House the other half of the time. It was also resolved that the above resolution shall be put in the Deed of the land. Resolve that the meeting be adjourned to the meeting house to meet on the first Monday in Dec. 1842. Justice Rose} Chairman Orin B. Moss} Clerk


At the Annual meeting of the first freewill Baptist Union Society at the meeting house in Cheshire pursuant to adjournment: - On motion Justice Rose was chosen chairman and Orin B. Moss Secretary. And on motion Lester Hulse and Justice Rose were reelected trustees of the meeting house. A motion was made and carried to adjourn to the last Monday in November next l843. Orin B. Moss} Sec. Justice Rose} Chair. 

November 27, 1843 A.D.

At the annual meeting of the first Freewill Baptist Union Society at the meeting house in Cheshire, pursuant to adjournment; On motion Orin B. Moss and Elias Huntly were elected trustees of the meeting of the Meeting House in Cheshire; they were reelected;- on motion Orin B. Moss was reelected Sec. Resolve that this meeting stand adjourned to the third Monday in November next at 6 o'clock P. M. at the Meeting House. Orin B. Moss} Sec. Lester Hulse} Chairman


The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua met at the Meeting House in Cheshire on Monday the 18th day of Nov. l844 at 6 o'clock p.m. pursuant to adjournment. On motion Lester Hulse was called to the chair and Orin B. Moss was appointed Secretary. Proceeded to ballot for Trustees, and William B. Prouty, and Moses Ward were elected. Moved to adjourn this meeting until the 2d Monday in Nov. l845 A.D. at 6 o'clock P.M. to meet at the Meeting House in Cheshire. Lester Hulse} Chair Orin B.. Moss} Sec.


The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua met at the Meeting House in Cheshire pursuant to adjournment. On motion Moses Ward was called to the Chair and Orin B. Moss was chosen Secretary. The meeting than proceeded to ballot for Trustees John A. Van Wie and Milton Gillett were chosen Trustees. John A. V. Wie was reelected. It was voted that this meeting be adjourned to the second Monday in November l846 A.D. at 6 o'clock at the meeting house in Cheshire. Nov. 18th l845, A. D. Moses Ward} Chair Orin B. Moss} Sec.


The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua met at the Meeting House in Cheshire according to previous adjournment. On motion Justice Rose was chosen Chairman and O. B. Moss Secretary. The meeting than proceeded to ballot for Trustees, and Orin B. Moss and John Beeden were chosen trustees. Orin B. Moss was chosen Clerk of the Society for the ensuing year. Resolve that Samuel B. Delno have charge of the Meeting House key in Cheshire, and that he request all persons who use the key to lock the door, and return the key to him, as soon as the meeting is out. And if the person neglects to perform the duty he or they shall not have the key any more for the ensuing year. It is moved that this meeting be adjourned to the third Monday in November next at the Meeting House in Cheshire at 6 o clock p.m. Nov. 9th l846 A.D. Justice Rose} Chairman Orin B.. Moss} Sec.


The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua, was held at the M. H. in Cheshire on the l5th of Nov. l847 according to previous adjournment. On motion Orin B. Moss was chosen Chairman and Sec. The meeting than proceeded to Ballot for Trustees, and Elias Huntly, Wm. B.. Prouty, Justice Rose, Valorus Curtis were chosen Trustees. Orin B. Moss was reelected Clerk for the ensuing year, for the said society. And it was further resolved that S. B. Delanoe have charge of the key upon the same restrictions as last year. It was further voted that Samuel B. Delano and Justice Rose act as a committee to draw up a subscription paper and circulate the same for the purpose of raising money paint the Meeting House inside and out. On motion it was moved that this meeting be adjourned to the 3d Monday in Nov. l848 AD . at the Meetinghouse in Cheshire at 6o'clock P. M. Orin B. Moss} Sec. Nov. 18th, l847


The annual Meeting of the Fist Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua was held at the meeting house in Cheshire on the 4th Monday in Nov. l848.On motion Velorious Curtis was called to the Chair; and O. B. Moss Sec; when the meeting proceeded to ballot for Trustees. Elias Huntly, John A.Van Wie were chosen Trustees. Orin B. Moss was elected Clerk for the year. Elijah Hurlburt, Samuel B. Delunoe and Justice Rose were chosen as a Committee to obtain Subscriptions for the painting the Meeting House and building a wood house; on motion it was voted the meeting be adjourned until the4thMonday in November next at 6 o clock P.M. at the M. H. in Cheshire.


The Annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua met at the Meeting House in Cheshire pursuant to a previous adjournment - and proceeded to business, and on motion Samuel B. Dilanoe was called to the Chair; and Orin B. Moss was chosen Sec. The meeting then proceeded to ballot for Trustees. Orin B. Moss, Wm. B. Prouty, Fredric Henica and Hiram Delinoe were chosen trustees. Orin B. Moss was chosen Clerk for the year. The meeting then on motion adjourned to the 3rd of Dec. l850 at the Meetinghouse in Cheshire at 6 o clock p.m. Orin B. Moss} Clerk Samuel B.. Delenoe Chairman.


The Annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua met at the Meeting House in Cheshire pursuant to an adjournment; and proceeded to business: Motion being made & seconded Fredric Henica was chosen Chairman an O. B. Moss Sec. The meeting than proceeded to ballot for trustees. Velorus Curtis and Elias Huntly were chosen trustees, and O. B. Moss Clerk for the year, and is voted to adjourn this meeting until the first Tuesday in Dec. l851. Cheshire Dec. 3, l850. Orin B. Moss Sec. Fredric Hemeca Chair. At the above meeting Velorus Curtis was reelected trustee of the Cheshire Burying ground. Cheshire December 9, l850 F. Hemeca, Chair. O. B. Moss} sec..


The Annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua met at the Meeting House in Cheshire pursuant to a previous adjournment. The meeting being called to order, C. F. Bradbury was chosen Chairman and J. S. Penoyer Secretary. 2d made choice of Elias Huntly in as trustee in place of John A. Van Wie. 3d made choice of Otis K. Parshall as trustee in place of O. B. Moss. 4th made choice of Lacy Munson in place of Hiram Deleno deceased. and 5th made choice of Orin B. Moss as Clerk for the ensuing year. 6th Resolve that the meeting House be used for singing schools when not occupied for religious meetings provided good order be had in such schools. 7th Resolve that the sexton be compensated by the Teacher of the Singing school - for the cleaning of the house. 8th Resolved that S. B. Delano act as Trustee of Cheshire Burying ground for the ensuing year. Resolve that this meeting be adjourned to the1st Tuesday in Dec. l852.Cheshire Dec. 3d l851. C. J. Bradbury. (the following was scratched out O.. B. Moss} Sec.) Joseph S. Penoyer} Clerk.


The Annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua met at the Meeting House in Cheshire on the l3th day of Dec. l853 according to previous adjournment. John Van Wie was chosen Chairman and Orin B. Moss was Clerk; the following persons were chosen Trustees Wm. B. Prouty, James E.. Chase, John E. Booth, Sam B. Delanoe and Orin B. Moss Clerk, Samuel B. Delanoe, and Velorus Curtis were chosen Trustees of Cheshire Burying ground for one year. Meeting adjourned to the 2d Tuesday in Dec l854. Orin B.. Moss} Clerk John A. Van Wie} Chairman.


The Annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua met at the Meeting House in Cheshire pursuant to adjournment; Dec l2thl854, and proceeded to business. James Turner was chosen Chairman- M. Q.. McFarland was chosen clerk. lst Trustee Jonathan Hawley in place of Elias Huntly. 2d Trustee O. K. Parshall, John A. Van Wie in place of L. V. Munson. O.K.. Parshall was elected Sexton. Resolved that the sexton charge a sum fixed by himself for the use of the house, for all purposes where a fee of entrance is charged; to be appropriated to his personal benefit. Chester B. Ward was chosen Standing Clerk. Trustees for Cheshire Burying ground Jonathan Hawley and John A. Van Wie. A collection of .50 cents was taken up to purchase a new Record Book. Cheshire Dec. l2th l854. M. McFarland} Clerk P. T.. James Turner} Chair.


The Annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua met at the Meeting House in Cheshire according to previous notice Dec.l0th l855. John A. V.Wie was chosen Chairman. Wm. B. Prouty was chosen trustee and Moses Ward Sen. was chosen Trustee to fill the place of James E. Chase. George Curtis and John A. V.Wie were chosen Trustees for the Cheshire Burying Ground for the ensuing year. O. K. Parshall was chosen sexton for one year. John A. Van, Wie Assistant. Sexton. The meeting was adjourned to meet at the Cheshire meeting House the 2d Tuesday in Novemberl856. Cheshire Dec. l2th l855. C. B. Ward} Clerk. C. B.. Ward bought this book with the 50/100cents raised for that purpose; and has transcribed the records up to this day and date.

Cheshire Jan. 15th 1856

When a hundred years are gone who shall mark in this book the lagging course of time?

Jan. 15th 1856

At this time there is but one Freewill Baptist who belongs to this church Wm.. B. Prouty. The State of religion is low. The Methodists only use this house at present.

Cheshire Dec. 4, 1856

The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua was held in Cheshire at the Meeting House Dec. 4, 1856 according to previous notice; when Norman Lilly was called to preside as chairman. The following persons were elected as Trustees: John E. Booth and Elias Huntly. For graveyard Otis K. Parshall and Norman Lilly. Sexton O.K. Parshall. Norman Lilly} Chairman C. B.. Ward} Clerk

Cheshire Dec. 4, 1857

The annual meeting of the inhabitants of Cheshire was held at the Meetinghouse, to elect Trustees for the said house and burying ground, this evening according to previous notice when the meeting called to order and Moses Ward Sen. was chosen Chairman. On motion Lasa Munson was chosen Trustee in place of John Van Wie. O.K. Parshall was elected Sexton. The Meetinghouse shall be in the charge of the Sexton the ensuing year to admit or exclude lectures For Trustees of the burying ground George Curtis and John A. VanWie. C. B. Ward} Secretary

Cheshire Nov. 3, 1858

The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua was held at the Meeting House in Cheshire Nov. 3, 1858 according to a call or notice by the clerk and sanctioned by the meeting for the purpose of obtaining an organization. The meeting was called to order and Moses Ward Sen. was called to the chair. Velorous Curtis was chosen as Trustee in place of Wm. B. Prouty. Norman Lilly in place of J. Hawley. It was then moved and seconded to appoint a committee of three to draft a Constitution and by laws for the Meeting House. Whereupon it was moved and seconded that E. S.. Nott, C. B.. Ward, and F. R.. Bentley act as the said Committee. It was moved and seconded that the old Trustees of the burying ground holdover (G. Curtis and J. Van Wie). C. B.. Ward} Clerk

At the above meeting it was moved and seconded that O.K. Parshall act as sexton to the house for the following year. At the special meeting held at the Meeting House in Cheshire for the purpose of adopting a Constitution and bylaws; it was resolved to append the names of those who helped build the said house in Cheshire and the amount each paid. C. B.. Ward} Clerk Cheshire Nov.. 12, 1858 Adjourned to Oct. 12, 1859

Subscribers To The Church As Of 1840, Appended To The Records

Amount Pledged/Amount Paid

Adenis, James D. 25 25

Andrews, Stephen Holmes 5 5

Anson, D.B 2 2

Anson, Silas 5 5

Antis, Wm. 2 2

Atwell, Peter 10 10

Atwell, Olive 10 10

Avel, H. 2 2

Baker, Daniel J. 10 10

Ball, J. 3 3

Beach, Orin 5 2.50

Beebe, Elisha P. 1 1

Beebe, Levi 5 5

Beebe, Mary 2 2

Beeman, Seth 5 5

Bell,John 10 10

Bemis, James. D. 4 4

Benedict, Stephen 2 2

Benham, J. 2 2

Bidler, John 5 5

Bissell, Carlos A. 5 5

Booth, John E. 5 5

Brown, A. F. 10 10

Castle, Lemuel 3 3

Chamberlain, John H. 1 1

Chapin, Miss Betsey 15 15

Carson, J. 2 2

Chesbro, Nicholas G. 2 2

Clark, M. H. (Gov. Myron H. Clark) 3 3

Conklin, J. F. 2 2

Cort, Daniel S. 1 0

Coy, Charles 2 2

Curtis, Valorus 10 10

Dean, Lydia 1 1

Delano, Samuel B. 40 40

Delano, Hiram 15 15

Doolittle, Edward L. 5 1.75

Doolittle, Mark 30 30

Dunlap, Joseph 3 3

Dunn, Mortin 5 5

Durand, William S. 20 20

Eaton, Isaac 10 10

Ellis, William H. 5 5

Ensign, Joel C. 5 5

Fairchild, Abel 5 5

Ferre, Gideon E. Jr. 5 4.40

Fraiher, Pinch T. 2 2

Gillett, Milton 40 40

Gorham, Nathaniel 3 3

Gorham, William W. 5 5

Granger, Francis 40 40

Green, Jared 15 10.44

Greig, John 40 40

Green, Saphia Saphronia? 5 0

Greenleaf, S. 12 12

Harnes, H. B. 2 2

Harris, Stephen 2.25 2.25

Hase (Hayes), J B 5 5

Hayward, H. 2 2

Higby, Elisha 5 5

Hubbell, Walter Sr 5 5

Hull, Thomas 3 3

Hulse, Ira 8 8

Hulse, Ira Jr 1 1

Hulse, Elisha 15 15

Hulse, Johnathan D. 2 2

Hulse, Lester 30 30

Hulse, Niclos 1 1

Huntly, Elias 25 25

Hutchins, Henry 2 2

Jackson, Robert 5 5

Johnson, Learned 50 25

Johnson, Learned Jr. 10 0

Lake, David Z. 5 5

Lewis, William N. 5 5

Lilly, Silas 2.50 2.50

Lincoln, Otis 6 6

Lucas, Zebina 3 3

Lumis, James 3 3

Mack, Jonathan 5 5

Mason, Jesse 5 5

Mallory, H. D. 10 10

Mallory, Moses 2 2

Manley, Horac 2 2

Mead, Redner T. 2 2

Montayne, Cornador C. 10 10

Menteath, S. L. Stuart 20 20

Mosher, Hart 3 3

Muray, Alexander Dr. 10 10

Neath, T. M. 2 2

Nott, E. S. 10 10

Numan, Clark W. 5 2.25

Parish, Edward P. 2 2

Pershall, Israel 15 15

Perkins, Moses 5 5

Porner, Marvin 2 2

Prouty, William B. 20 20

Rayse, Robbert 3 3

Renwick, Jane 10 10

Renwick, Robert 20 20

Remmington, Samuel 5 5

Remmington, T. B. 2 2

Robinson, R. Robert D. 1.75 1.75

Rogers, Ruel 2 2

Rose, Cornelious J. 10 28

Salisbury, Robert W. 10 10

Salisbury, Amasa 40 40

Salisbury, John S. 2 2

Sands, James 5 0

Sands, Lavinder 5 0

Sands, Tarner 3 0

Seymor, Charles 5 5

Shepard, Charles 5 5

Sly, Evander 3 3

Smith, S 3 3

Smith, O. M. 2 2

Spear, Hugh S. 1 1

Spencer, Amasa B. 5 5

Spring, Daniel 3 3

Stid, Thomas B. 2 1

Sutherland, Josiah 6 6

Tobin, James 4 4

Tiler, James 16.50 16.50

Van Wie, John A. 25 25

Ward, Rev. Moses Sr. 20 20

Wheeler, J. M. 5 5

Wheeler, Jonas M. 3 3

White, Solomon. C. 5 5

Whitny, M. 2 2

Willson, Julia C.? 5 5

Wooddruf, John L. 5 5

Worden, Alva 2 2

Constitution And By-Laws Of The First Freewill Baptist Union Society


Whereas, Orin B. Moss did on the eight day of December one thousand eight hundred and forty one convey by deed to the First Freewill Baptist Union Society of Canandaigua in Cheshire, the lot of land on which the Cheshire Meeting House then stood and now stands. And Whereas the organization of said society is without a constitution or by-Laws; which have been lost or destroyed if any ever existed: Therefore: WE whose names are subscribed as citizens of Cheshire and vicinity, do in pursuant of the design and intent of the said deed, and do perpetuate the existence and said object of said society, - do agree to at once adopt the following Constitution And By-Laws.

ARTICLE 1ST: This Society shall continue under the name of: The First Free Will Baptist Union Society Of Canandaigua.

ARTICLE 2ND: The members of this society shall consist of all adult persons of Cheshire and vicinity, who attend religious meetings at the said meeting house in Cheshire.

ARTICLE 3RD: The Officers of this society shall consist of five trustees and one Secretary who shall also act as treasurer of said society.

ARTICLE 4TH: This society shall hold an annual meeting at the said meeting house on the evening of the second Wednesday of October each year.

ARTICLE 5TH: The trustees of this society shall be elected to serve for one, two, three, four, and five years respectively at the next annual meeting of this society. - Whose terms of office shall be severally designated at the time of such elections: and at the same and at each subsequent annual meeting there shall be elected a clerk to serve for one year.

ARTICLE 6TH It Shall be the duty of the Trustees to take care of the meeting house. The key thereof shall be in their keeping or under their control, and they shall have the general supervision and custody of the house, the church grounds and all appurtenances belonging thereto.

ARTICLE 7TH The Trustees or a majority of them shall constitute a financial committee for raising the funds necessary to keep the house in repair; and any sums that may be in their hands maybe expended, under their direction for repairs and such improvements as they shall deem necessary to make the house a suitable place of public worship.

ARTICLE 8TH The meeting house shall be free to all denominations to occupy for religious exercises; but the allotment of time, with respect to the occupancy of the house by each of denominations respectively shall when not arranged by mutual consent, be designated by the trustees or a majority of them, and their decision thereon shall be final.

ARTICLE 9TH The Trustees shall have discretionary power , also, to open the house for lectures and addresses of a moral tendency, and such subjects as are calculated to instruct and benefit the people, when the house is not occupied according to previous arrangements by religious meetings.

ARTICLE 10TH The treasurer on an order signed by the trustees, or a majority of them, shall pay over from the funds of said society, such sums as such as order may specify.

ARTICLE 11TH It shall be the duty of the clerk to read a written notice of each annual meeting in the open congregational said meeting house at least on two separate occasions within two weeks previous to the time of such meetings; - and if no public congregation convene within such time; it shall be the duty of the clerk to post three written notices; one upon the door of said meeting house and the others in two conspicuous places in the vicinity of Cheshire at least six days previous to the time of such meeting.

ARTICLE 12TH It shall be the duty of the clerk of this society to keep a record of the proceedings of this society at the annual or special meetings thereof and retain the custody of all writings and records relating thereto; as well as to record all the proceedings of the trustees; as trustees of said society.

ARTICLE 13TH It shall be the duty of the clerk of this society, as clerk and treasurer to hand over all papers and moneys to his successor in office, that may be in his hands, and belonging to said society.

ARTICLE 14TH The trustees of a majority of them may authorize the clerk to call a special meeting of this society by giving notice as hereinafter required at annual meeting thereof, whensoever in the opinion of said trustees the interest of the society shall require it.

ARTICLE 15TH this constitution may be altered or amended at any annual meeting of this society; by a vote of two - thirds of the members present at such meeting.

ARTICLE 16TH (adopted 10/12/1859) the Trustees of the meeting house shall act as trustees of the Cheshire burying ground. E. S. Nott John A Van Wie Velorus Curtis Moses Ward Sen. Lasa Munson Allen Levi L. Hutchens A. P. Young Thadeous Munson James Wier O. H. Parshall John S. Mullen George Curtice Moses Ward Jun. Chester B. Ward clerk This special meeting then adjourned to meet at its next annual meeting on the second Wednesday of October 1859 at 6:00 in the evening. C. B. Ward {clerk E. S. Nott {chairman

October 12, 1859

The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society of Canandaigua met according to previous notice at the Meeting House in Cheshire. The meeting was duly called to order and Charles Hall was chosen Chairman for the evening. C. B.. Ward was elected clerk for the ensuing year. The Constitution and by laws were then read. According to the Constitution and bylaws anew set of Trustees were duly elected, which were as follows: Elias Huntly tost and five years Wm. B. Prouty to stand four years O.K. Parshall to stand three years A.M. Nott to stand two years L. Munson to stand one year Otis K.. Parshall was elected to act as sexton to the Meeting House and burying ground for the ensuing year. C. B.. Ward} Clerk Charles Hall} Chairman The meeting then adjourned to meet on the second Wednesday of October 1860at six o'clock P.M.. C.B.W} Clerk


The annual meeting of the First Free Will Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua, was held at the meeting house in Cheshire on Wednesday evening, October the 10th. The meeting was called to order, and George Curtis was chosen chairman for the evening. On motion C. B. Ward was elected secretary for the ensuing year and on motion Valorus Curtis chosen Trustee in the place of J. Willson (term expired) - for five years. O. H. Parshall was chosen to act as sexton for the meeting house and burying [ground] for the ensuing year. On motion the meeting then adjourned to meet on the second Wednesday of October at 6o'clock p.m. 1861 George Curtis, Chairman C. B. Ward, Clerk

October 1861

The annual meeting of the First Free Will Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua, was held at the meeting house in Cheshire on the second Wednesday of October at 6 o'clock p.m. Norman Collins was called to the chair; and John A. VanWie was chosen for trustee for five years in place of A. M. Nott time expired. O. K. Parshall reelected to active sexton for the house and grave yard. The meeting then adjourned to meet on the second Wednesday of October next at 6 o'clock p.m. 1862. C. B. Ward, Clerk N. Collins, Chairman

October 1862

The annual meeting of the First Free Will Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua was held at the Meeting House in Cheshire on the 2nd Wednesday evening,6 o'clock p.m. William W. M. Hutchins was called to the chair. C. B. Ward was then chosen Clerk for the ensuing year. G. H, Wilbur was then chosen Trustee for 5 years in place of O. H. Parshall whose term has expired. The meeting then adjourned to meet on the 2nd Wednesday of October nextat6 p.m. Wm. Hutchins, Chairman C. B. Ward, Secretary

October 14 1863

The annual meeting of the First Free Will Baptist Union Society Canandaigua; met at the meeting house in Cheshire on Wednesday the 14th at6 p.m. Was called to order, when Edward L. Doolittle was called to the Chair as Chairman for the evening. C. B. Ward was then elected Clerk for the ensuing year. Wm. B .Prouty whose term of office had expired was than reelected for five years. It was then voted by the meeting to exclude all political meetings from the meeting house. The meeting then arranged with John Hutchins to find wood and lights, to warm and light the meeting house to build the fires sweep the house till the first day of April next for the sum of five dollars if there was no more meetings than usual. It was understood that Mr.. Huntly and Mr.. Wilbur would agree with some person to dig graves and take charge of filling the same. The meeting then adjourned to meet at its next annual meeting the second Wednesday of October at 6 p.m. o'clock1864.


The Annual Meeting for 1864 was not held, or called through the sickness of the secretary on account of which it was thought best to let it Pass over to 1865. C. B. Ward, Scribe

October 11, 1865

The annual meeting of the First Free Will Baptist Union in Canandaigua was held at the meeting house in Cheshire October 11, 1865. The house was duly called to order; when Levie Haskel was elected chairman for the evening. The meeting then made choice of C. B. Ward as their clerk for the ensuing year. The meeting was not called at its annual or at any special meeting in 1864; it became necessary to elect two trustees at this meeting. Luvel Hutchins was then chosen for five years. Levi Haskell to fill a vacancy for four years. On motion of A. A. Brown it was resolved to rescind the motion of 1863 at the Annual Meeting, to exclude political meetings from the meeting house. It was then moved and voted that the moneys in the hands of A. A. Brown which were raised for a celebration proposed but were not used should be applied to repairs on the meeting house. The meeting then adjourned to meet on the second Wednesday of October, 1866, at six o'clock P.M.. C. B. Ward, Clerk Levi Haskell, Chairman 

October 10, 1866

The annual meeting of the first Freewill Baptist Society Union in Canandaigua was held at the meeting house in Cheshire October 10, 1866. The house was duly called to order, and Luvel Hutcheus was chosen chairman for the ensuing evening. Where upon C. B.. Ward was chosen scribe for the ensuing year. The meeting then chose Thaddeus Munson for trustee; in place of John A. VanWie (time expired) for five years. The meeting then arranged with Mr. Elias Huntly to pay him ten or twelve dollars, which he claimed due him on the new part of the cemetery in Cheshire. The said Huntly is to make a deed to the trustees of the said ground. The meeting then adjourned to meet at it's next annual meeting the second Wednesday of October 1867. Luvel Hutcheus} Chairman C. B.. Ward} Clerk Time Of Trustees T. Munson 5 years L.. Hutchens 4years L. Haskell 3 years Wm. B. Prouty 2 years C. H.. Wilbur1 year

Nov. 6, 1868

The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Cheshire, met at the Meeting House in Cheshire Nov. 6, 1868. Was duly called to order when Wm. Hutcheus was chosen chairman and C. B.. Ward clerk for the ensuing year. George Curtis was chosen trustee for 4 years. John L. Johnson to fill a vacancy of Lovil Hutcheus. John Hutcheus for 5 years. Adjourned to meet at the next annual meeting day. Wm. Hutcheus} Chairman C. B.. Ward}  Clerk

Cheshire Nov. 19, 1868

A special meeting having been called to consider the repairing of the present house (meeting) in Cheshire or of building a new one. The meeting was called to order, and Peter Silvernail was chosen chairman for the evening. The deed of the lot on which the meeting house stands was called for and read. After a few remarks from gentlemen of the meeting, the meeting moved to adopt this plan to build a new house. The party or society that could raise the most money should have the deed of the house and the other denomination the use of the house one half of the time. Five persons were appointed as a building committee: Levi Haskell, A.M. Nott, George Curtis, John L. Johnson, and Luman Durand. The meeting moved that this committee serve without pay. Moved by the meeting to appoint soliciting committees to raise$4,000 with which to build a house. Levi Haskell and A.M. Nott for the Baptists and Daniel J. Baker and Luman Durand for the Methodists. Moved to adjourn for two weeks. Peter Silvernail} Chairman C. B. Ward} Clerk

Cheshire Dec. 3, 1868

The minutes for the previous meeting was called for and read - Peter Silvernail in the chair. A.M. Nott reported on his paper one thousand dollars and a little over signed and pledged. The meeting then moved to reconsider its previous action in relation to deeding the house to one society, and granting the other society the use of the house one half of the time. Moved and voted that the new house in contemplation if built, shall be deeded the Baptist and Methodist societies jointly, and severely, and shall be used by them for religious worship. And, they are also to share jointly and severely in its rents and repairs expenses and profits. It was moved and voted that the avails of the present meeting house in Cheshire, when sold, shall be turned in to help build the new house in Cheshire. Moved and voted that Mr. Silvernale act as a committee to confer with the Methodist society to solicit the said society to attend the next meeting or some subsequent one, to confer with the meeting in Cheshire with regard to building of help build a new meetinghouse in Cheshire. Moved and voted that 2 more be added to the soliciting committee. Andrew VanWie and George Curtis were chosen. Moved to adjourn for two weeks. C. B.. Ward}  Clerk 

December 8, 1869

All the above effort, and much more, to repair or build a new house proved abortive as the Methodist people utterly refused to join their interest with the other denominations to build a house in union. Wm. Taylor a preacher of the First Freewill Baptist Society commenced a protracted meeting on the 8th of December 1869 at Cheshire meeting house. Success good. Under this movement they are trying to get a new house Jan. 18, 1870. After many changes and consultations all are agreed to build a house. A general meeting was held this evening with a large attendant audience of all parties -all was harmony. C. B.. Ward} Clerk

Cheshire October 13, 1869

The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union society in Canandaigua met at the meeting house in Cheshire, according to previous notice, on the 13th day of Oct. at 6 o'clock pm. They made the choice of C. B.. Ward to act as scribe for the ensuing year; and Peter Silvernail to act as trustee for five years from date. Adjourned to meet the 2nd Wednesday of Oct. 1870. Wm. B. Prouty} Chairman C. B.. Ward} Clerk Trustees: J. L. Johnson 1 years T. Munson 2 years George Curtis 3 years John Hutcheus 4 years Peter Silvernail 5 years

Nov. 17, 1869

It was voted that building committee visit other building and all the time spent by them shall be free of charge in making any contracts Or any other business that may arise in the building of this house.

Jan. 18, 1870

After a number of irregular meetings the clerk called a regular meeting by request of patrons of Cheshire meeting house.

Cheshire Jan. 18, 1870

By previous notice a special meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Cheshire was convened and called to order and Thadeus Munson was chosen chairman for the evening. After some inquiries as to the organization of this society and (it continuance) and that it was not to be changed or superseded by a new one, the meeting proceeded to offer the following resolutions: Resolved that the building committee which were appointed Nov.. 7, 1869 (being George Curtis, John Hutcheus, Peter Silvernail, James Chase, Stephen Stiles, Charles Salisbury, and Milton Munson) be empowered to remove the present old meeting house far enough west so as to give ample room to erect a new house on the present site . And when the new house shall be enclosed the committee shall have power to sell the old house, and devote the proceeds thereof to the finishing up of the new house. Provided that the old house when sold shall not be removed until the new house shall have been completed. Offered by J. M. Munson and seconded by Peter Silvernail. Furthermore be it resolved that this meeting except and sanction the meeting of Jan. 11, 1870 except the first resolution in relation to letting the work of the house by the job or day.

Cheshire Jan 11, 1870

Pursuant to previous notice; a special meeting was held at the meeting house in Cheshire for the purpose of considering the propriety of allowing the building committee to proceed building the new house (meeting) before $3,000 (the sum here-to-fore required) shall have been raised. Moved and seconded that this meeting advise that the building committee proceed to build the House by the day in preference to letting it by the job. Resolved that resignations of Charles Salisbury and George Curtis, members of the building committee, be not accepted. Resolved that the building committee be authorized to build the house, and sheds, and that if sufficient amount of money, shall not have been raised, to mortgage the same for the purpose of raising the balance. Resolve that this meeting do adjourn sine dia. B. C. Hall} Secretary Wm. Taylor}  Chairman

Cheshire Oct. 12, 1870

The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua was held at the school house in Cheshire Oct. 12, 1870 The house was duly called to order when John W. Hutcheus was elected chairman for the evening. The meeting then made choice of C. H.. Wilbur for clerk for the evening. It was then moved and seconded that C. B.. Ward serve as clerk for the ensuing year. Elected. Levi Haskell was duly chosen Trustee for five years in place of John L. Johnson, time expired. George Curtis then tendered his resignation as trustee, which was accepted. Moses Ward was then chosen in place of G .Curtis, resigned. Meeting moved to adjourn for one year. Trustees and length of term: Thadeus Munson 1 year Moses Ward Sr. 2 years John W. Hutcheus3 years Peter Silvernail 4 years Levi Haskell 5 years John W. Hutcheus} Chairman C. H.. Wilbur} Clerk

Cheshire March 1, 1871

A special meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua was held at the school house in Cheshire. Called to order and Salem Haskell was chosen for chairman. The meeting then appointed a committee to examine the report of the treasurer of the building committee. Committee as follows: Andrew Van Wie, Delos Doolittle and C. B.. Ward. Adjourned Sima Dia. Salem Haskell} Chairman C. B.. Ward} Clerk

Cheshire March 1, 1871

Report of the committee who were appointed to examine the report of the treasurer of the building committee. After a careful examination of the amount received and expended your committee find the amount received to be $3,050.26 and the amount expended to be $3026.82. Balance on hand$23.44 less fifty cents due from J. H.. Chamberlin; which leaves now on hand$23.94. Andrew Van Wie Delos Doolittle Committee C. B.. Ward C. B.. Ward} Clerk 

Cheshire April 22, 1871

At a special meeting in Cheshire of the First Freewill Baptist Society in Canandaigua. It was moved and seconded that James Turner act as chairman for the evening. C. H.. Wilbur was chosen as clerk for the evening. The meeting then voted that the five trustees act as a committee for collecting all unpaid subscriptions for the building the new meeting house or church. The meeting then adjourned Sine Die. James Turner} Chairman C. H.. Wilbur} Clerk

Cheshire Oct. 13, 1871

At the annual meeting of the first Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua located at Cheshire, meeting being duly called to order; John Hutcheus was chosen chairman for the ensuing evening. The meeting then made choice of Charles Hall as trustee for five years in place of Thadeus Munson time expired. C. B.. Ward was then chosen clerk for the ensuing year. Meeting then adjourned for one year. Trustees for 1871: Moses Ward 1 year John Hutcheus 2 years Peter Silvernail 3 years Levi Haskell 4 years Charles Hall 5 years John Hutcheus} Chairman C. B.. Ward} Scribe

Nov. 5, 1871 A.D.

Frank Simmons, 19 years 5 months, was the first one whose funeral fights were performed in the new Cheshire meeting house. Frank came by his death, by running horses with Samuel Parshall. One dark night at about 8 o'clock in the evening Frank's horse ran against a wagon which caused the horse to fall. The saddle turned and Frank's feet hung in the stirrups while the horse ran from the central part of Cheshire to where the roads fork at the North end of Cheshire - where the horse was stopped by Mr. Pendleton. Frank was taken out from under the horse and taken in to Mrs. Elias Huntley's where he died the next morning at 4 o'clock .He never spoke. Frank was a good steady young man. He was universally loved and many shed tears at this apparently untimely end. Let this be a warning for boys to avoid such road sports. Fear God and keep his commands. His hand can shield you and His alone.

Cheshire Oct. 10, 1872

The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua was held at the meeting house in Cheshire Oct. 10, 1872. Meeting was duly called to order when Charles Hall was called to the chaired and C. B.. Ward was chosen scribe for the ensuing year. Andrew Van Wie was then chosen trustee for five years. Meeting then adjourned. Trustees: John W. Hutcheus 1 year Peter Silvernail 2 years Levi Haskell 3 years Charles Hall 4 years Andrew Van Wie 5 years Charles Hall} Chairman C. B.. Ward} Scribe

The names of those who signed money to help build the Union Church in Cheshire Nov. 11, 1869

Name Amount Pledged/Amount Paid

Stephen Stiles 100 100

Charles B. Salisbury 100 Exonerated

C. H. Wilber 100 100

J.W Hutchens 100 100

George Curtis 100 100

F. R. Bentley 100 100

Peter Silvernail 50 50

Moses Ward Sr. 50 50

John S. Mullen 100 100

Betsey Mullen 100 100

Chauncey Doolittle 100 100

Delose Doolittle 25 25

Abraham Van Wie 25 25

Andrew Van Wie 15 25

Ann Sawyer 10 10

Corneilia Huntley 15 15

Stillman R. Doolittle 25 25

E.L. Doolittle 10 10

Catherine Lucas 10 10

Edward Morris 10 10

Mrs. A.W. Penoyer 50 50

C.L.Randal 50 50

John A. Van Wie 25 15

(Balance Due) 10 Marked Paid

Dier Elwell 50 30 +9

(Balance Due) 20 -9

Maria M. Hutchens 10 10

Wm. B. Prouty 25 25

James E. Chase 100 100

Barnerd Gelders 50 50

John L. Taylor 50 50

Lucretia Wier 15 15

J. H..&.R.G.Chamberlain 25 25

Marcus Simmons 25 25

T.B. Remmington 25 25

Peter Brando 5 5

C.R. Lilly 15 15

E. Lilly 15 15

M. Duell 25 25

Elisa Roger 15 15

J. M.. Munson 50 50

Polly Huntley 100 100

Mary Tillitson 20 20

Isaac Hall 25 25

Melvin Curtis 25 25

Cuyler Sawyer 25 Refused To Pay

Wm. Isham 25 25

B & James Hickox 25 25

C. B.. Ward 50 50

Alanso Lucas 50 50

John Curtis 25

(Balance Due) 5

John Curtis Paid $50 In Stones For Wall

50 50

Enoch Thorinton 5 5

John Chase 10 10

Henry Van Wie 4 4

Gideon Parshall 4 4

Charles Hall 50 50

Charles Hall 25 25

Zebna Lucas 50 50

John L. Johnson 100 100

A. M. Nott 25 25

J. Harvey Mason 10 10

John O'Harra 20 20

Mrs. Chancy Doolittle 10 10

Russell (K)Napp 20 20

Hiram Livermore 50 50

Lacy Munson 50 50

Thadaus Munson 50 50

Levi Haskell 100 100

Henry Hutchens 10 10

$169. 17

Funds received from the Baptist Society in cash which were usedin the erection of the Union Church in Cheshire, Which cash was received from Levi Haskell - One hundred and sixty nine dollars 17/100

$125 The amount received for the old Union Church was one hundred and twenty five dollars; which was applied to the erection of the new Union Church in Cheshire.

October 16th 1873

Bela Tifana 10.00 10.00

Elisa Roger 5.00 5.00

George Marther 5.00 5.00

Kelly W. Green 5.00 5.00

I. Hall 5.00 5.00

J. A. Van Wie 10.00 10.00

Andrew Van Wie 1.44 1.44

60.44 60.44

moneys paid out

S. Pershall 2.00

John Case 24.24

A. M. Nott 24.30

J. A. Van Wie 1.00

C. H. Wilbur 5.00

Dyre Elwell 4.00


Levi Haskells' report of the moneys received and paid out for the year1873.

Dec. 21st 1871

The amount of money received for the sheds of the Cheshire Union church and society.

George Curtis 50.00

J. M. Munson 50.01

Henry Hutchens 10.00

Levi Haskell 25.00

Robert McJannett 10.00

Charles Hall 25.00

Mr. Chamberlin .50


the amount paid out and what for carried over (page break in original) brought over to A. M. Nott for lumber and shingles at Canandaigua 131.49

Wm. Isham 4.00

John Case 25.00

John Hutchens 4.57

John Chamberlin 2.00

George Curtis 3.00

Finley and Sons 3.25


Cheshire February The 15Th 1874, Sunday

    a report of the trustees and a vote taken in an open meeting.

    cost of bell and mounting 423.63

    drawing bell from Canandaigua 2.00

    freight on bell and mounting 7.65

    rope .45

iron braces 1.00

J. H. Case work on belfry 2.00


The whole amount of moneys received

Balance of cushion money 99.74

interest on the above 9.96

raised and collected

on subscriptions 316.00

received of D. Baker 60.00



on hand balance 49.17

there being a sum of thirty five 87/100 dollars yet unpaid on the sheds; it was moved and seconded that the said ($35.87) be paid from the balance now on hand. Carried in the affirmative. And further moved that ten dollars of said balance on hand be paid to Andrew Van Wie; to exonerate him for that amount repaid to Mrs. Gilbert, as her subscription money; on account of her mothers death and her sickness. Carried in the affirmative.

balance on hand $3.30

The Church and sheds are now out of debt, with the above amount on hand.

Cheshire Oct. 15, 1873

The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua in Cheshire; and the meeting being duly called to order J. E.. Chase was called to the chair as presiding officer for the evening. On motion C. B.. Ward was chosen as scribe for one year. John W. Hutcheus was chosen for trustee for five years. The meeting then appointed Andrew Van Wie as special Treasurer for the ensuing year. The meeting then adjourned to meet at the annual day of meeting in 1874. 1873 Trustees and length of term: J. W.bHutcheus 5 years A. Van Wie 4 years C. Hall 3 years Levi Haskell 2 years Peter Silvernail 1 year C. B.. Ward} Scribe J. E.. Chase} Chairman

Cheshire-October-Second Wednesday 1874

The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua met at their meeting house in Cheshire according to previous notice, when the following business was transacted. The meeting being duly called to order when Rev. W. B. H.. Beech was called to the chair as presiding officer for the ensuing evening. The meeting then made choice of C. B.. Ward as clerk for the ensuing year. Peter Silvernail whose time of office expired this evening was reelected for five years and special treasurer for the ensuing year. Peter Silvernail , John W. Hutcheus was appointed as a special committee to obtain a deed to the Cheshire Cemetery and also to map out the lots in said grounds and number them, and report his bill to the next annual meeting. Moved and seconded that C. H.. Wilbur collect the amount to defray the expenses of mapping and obtaining a deed for the said grounds. Meeting adjourned to meet at its annual day of meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of Oct. at 7 a.m. at the meeting house in Cheshire 1875 A.D. 1874 and 1875:P. Silvernail 5 years J. W. Hutcheus 4 years A. Van Wie 3 years C. Hall2 years L. Haskell 1 year Rev. W. Beech B.H.} Chairman C. B.. Ward} Clerk

Cheshire Oct. 13,1875

The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua met at the meeting house in Cheshire according to previous notice, when the following business was transacted. The meeting being duly called to order, Phylander E. Hall was chosen chairman for the ensuing evening. The meeting then made choice of C. B.. Ward for clerk for the ensuing year. Levi Haskell was chosen trustee for five years. The meeting then recommended the trustees to expend $100 on repairs on the burying ground in Cheshire. Meeting adjourned one year. Trustees: A. Van Wie 5 years C. Hall 4 years P.. Silvernail3 years J. W. Hutcheus 2 years And. Van Wie 1 year. Philander E.. Hall} Chairman C. B.. Ward} Clerk

Cheshire Oct. 1877

The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua met at the Cheshire meeting house in Cheshire on the annual day of meeting and there at that time did organize the meeting by calling Andrew Van Wie to the Chair as chairman for the evening. C. B.. Ward was chosen clerk for one year. The meeting then made choice of Andrew Van Wie 5 years Charles Hall 4 years. Adjourned for one year. C. B.. Ward} Clerk Cheshire

Oct. 9, 1878

The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua as held at the meeting house in Cheshire Oct. 9, 1878 at 6 o'clock P.M. The meeting was dully organized by calling Peter Silvernail to the chair for the ensuing evening. When the meeting elected C. B.. Ward as clerk for one year the meeting then made choice of John W. Hutcheus as trustee for5 years. The meeting moved to expend $9.05 on the cemetery if the trustees thought it proper to do so. 1878 Trustees: John Hutcheus 5 years, Andrew Van Wie 4years, Charles Hall 3 years, Levi Haskell 2 years, & PeterSilvernail1 year.1879&80 Trustees: Peter Silvernail 5 years, John Hutcheus 4 years, Andrew Van Wie 3years, Charles Hall 2 years, & Levi Haskell 1 year. Peter Silvernail} Chairman C. B. Ward} clerk

Cheshire Oct. 10, 1879

The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua was held at the meeting house in Cheshire Oct. 10, 1879. Charles Hall was called to the chair. C. B.. Ward was elected to act as scribe for one year. Peter Silvernail was elected to act as trustee for five years. Adjourned for one year, to meet on the 2nd Wednesday of Oct. 1880. Charles Hall} Chairman C. B.. Ward} Clerk

Cheshire Oct. 11, 1880

The annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua was held at the meeting house in Cheshire. On Oct. 11, 1880 the meeting was called to order and M. J. . Munson was called to the chair. C. B.. Ward was elected for scribe for one year. Levi Haskell was chosen to act as trustee for 5 years. Andrew Van Wie was appointed to act as a committee to solicit means to repair the shed of the meeting house. Meeting adjourned.1880 and1881 Trustees: Levi Haskell 5 years Peter Silvernail 4 years JohnHutcheus3 years Andrew Van Wie 2 years Charles Hall 1 year. J. M.. Munson} Chairman C. B.. Ward} Clerk

Cheshire Feb. 1, 1882

At a special meeting of The First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua the meeting being called to order; James E. Chase was chosen to preside as chairman of the meeting; C. B.. Ward was chosen clerk for the ensuing year; and Thadeus Munson trustee for said church for 5 years. Meeting adjourned to meet on the second Wednesday of Oct. 1882. Trustees: Thadeus Munson 5 years Levi Haskell 4 years Peter Silvernail 3 years John Hutcheus 2 years Andrew Van Wie 1 year James E. Chase} Chairman C. B.. Ward} Clerk

Cheshire Oct. 11, 1882

At the annual meeting of the first freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua held at the meeting house in Cheshire, James E. Chase acting as chairman, C. B.. Ward was chosen clerk for one year, and Andrew Van Wie as trustee for five years. Moved to adjourn to meet at the meeting house in Cheshire on the second Wednesday in Oct. 1883. Trustees: Andrew VanWie 5 years, Thadeus Munson 4 years, Levi Haskell 3 years, Peter Silvernail2 years, and John Hutcheus 1 year. James E. Chase} Chairman C. B.. Ward} Clerk

Cheshire Jan. 18, 1883

According to previous notice a special meeting of the good people of Cheshire and vicinity was held at the meeting house in Cheshire at the above day and date at 7 o'clock sharp in the evening. The meeting was called to order when George Curtis was called to the chair as chairman for the meeting, and S.E. Nott was chosen clerk for the evening. C. B.. Ward was elected clerk for the ensuing year. C. H.. Wilbur was elected for five years as trustee for the meeting house known as the First Freewill Baptist Union Society in Canandaigua. Time to commence from last annual meeting of this society. Meeting then moved to adjourn to the second Wednesday of October next at 7 o'clock sharp p.m. Annual meeting. George Curtis} Chairman Sibley E.. Nott} Clerk Trustees: C. H.. Wilbur 5 years Andrew Van Wie 4 years Thadeus Munson 3 years Levi Haskell2 years Peter Silvernail 1 year

Cheshire Nov. 6, 1884

By previous notice a special meeting was convened at the meeting house in Cheshire this evening at 7 pm. Meeting was called to order when S. e. Nott was chosen chairman for the evening and C. B.. Ward was elected clerk for the ensuing year. Peter Silvernail whose time of office expired today was elected to the office of trustee for five years from the last annual meeting. The meeting then advised the trustees to get the meting house insured against fire. The meeting then adjourned to meet at its annual day the second Wednesday of Oct. 1885. Sibly E. Nott} Chairman C. B.. Ward} Clerk Trustees: Peter Silvernail 5 years C. H. Wilbur 4 years Andrew Van Wie3 years Thadeus Munson 2 years Levi Haskell 1 year.

Cheshire Jan. 7, 1886

By previous notice a special meeting was called to order when Wm. O. Hutcheus was called to the chair for the evening. C. B.. Ward was chosen clerk for the ensuing year. Gilbert E. Haskell was chosen trustee for five years in place of Levi Haskell, time expired. John L. Taylor was appointed to act as a committee to wait on Rev. Mr. Searles to ascertain his terms of service for the ensuing year, $350 to preach one discourse each Sabbath. A committee of four was appointed to solicit subscriptions for preaching: John L. Taylor, Thompson Powers, Charles S. Goodale and Gregory Insse. Meeting adjourned to the second Wednesday of Oct. 1886. Wm. Hutcheus} Chairman C. B.. Ward} Clerk Trustees: Gilbert E. Haskell 5 years Peter Silvernail 4 years C.. H. Wilbur 3 years Andrew Van Wie 2 years Thadeus Munson 1 year.

Cheshire Nov. 11th 1886

By previous notice a special meeting of the First Free-Will Baptist union Society in Canandaigua was convened in the meeting house in Cheshire at the above date. The meeting was duly called to called to order C. H. Wilbur was chosen chairman for the evening. C. B.. Ward was elected to as clerk for the ensuing year. Austin Huntley was chosen trustee for five years from last October 13th the second Wednesday. Meeting then adjourned to the annual day of meeting. October 2nd (1887) Wednesday. C. H. Wilbur} Chairman C. B. Ward} Clerk Trustees: Austin Huntley 5 Years Gilbert E. Haskell 4years Peter Silvernail 3 years C. H. Wilbur 2 years Andrew Van Wie 1 years

Cheshire June 8Th 1886

A meeting of the trustees of the F. W. B. U. Society was held on on the evening of the above date at the church. Present: C. H. Wilbur, Andrew Van Wie, Peter Silvernail, and G. E. Haskell. G. E. Haskell was chosen President of the board of Trustees, and C. H. Wilbur treasurer. On Motion it was resolved to hire James (the name "Grooms" is scratched out) Allen to be janitor of the church during the year commencing Apr. 1st 1886, ???$50. On Motion it was resolved to hire James Grooms to mow the Cemetery and give it a thorough cleaning up and pay him with funds already on hand and in the hands of the treasurer, received from the sale of lots in said cemetery. No further business appearing the board adjourned, subject to the call of the president. By order of the president, Jan 1st. 1887 C. B. Ward} clerk Cheshire N.Y.

Nov. 16Th 1887

At a special meeting held by the Trustees of the First Free-Will Baptist Society. C. B. Ward was elected Chairman and John Hutchens clerk for one year. On Motion Andrew Van Wie was elected Trustee for five years from the second Wednesday of October last. Moved that the president of the Board of Trustees call a meeting at some day in January next to take into consideration the hiring of a minister to take the place of Rev. Geo. R. Searles whose time will expire April 1st. 1888. Moved to adjourn to the annual meeting the second Wednesday in October 1888. C. B. Ward} chairman John Hutchens} clerk Trustees Andrew Van Wie 5 years Austin C. Huntley 4 years GilbertHaskell 3 years Peter Silvernail 2 years Cyrus Wilbur 1 years

Cheshire N.Y. Oct. 10Th 1888

At the annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society held at the church in Cheshire October 10th 1888, Andrew Van Wie was elected chairman. Moved to ballot for trustee. Whole number of ballots cast was21 of which, C. H. Wilbur received 17 and was declared elected. Refused to serve. On ballot Frank O'Dell was elected trustee for five years. On motion John Hutchens was elected secretary for one year. Moved to adjourn to the 2nd Wed.  in October 1889. Andrew Van Wie} Chairman John Hutchens} Secretary Trustees Frank O'Dell 5 years Andrew Van Wie 4 years Austin Huntley 3 years GilbertHaskell 2 years Peter Silvernail 1 year

Cheshire N.Y. October 9Th 1889

At the annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Society of Cheshire held at the church in Cheshire October 10th. Charles H. Hutchens was chosen chairman and was also elected clerk for one year. Peter Slivernail was re-elected Trustee for five years. C. H. Wilbur was elected Treasurer for one year.] C. H. Hutchens }Chairman }Secretary Trustees Peter Silvernail5 year Frank O'Dell 4 years Andrew Van Wie 3 years Austin Huntley 2 years Gilbert Haskell1 years

Cheshire October 8Th 1890

At the annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society of Canandaigua held at the meeting house in Cheshire October 8th, Andrew Van Wie was chosen chairman for the evening and Austin C. Huntley was chosen clerk for the evening. John Hutchens was elected secretary and treasurer for the ensuing year. Gilbert E. Haskell was elected trustee for five years. Adjourned for one year. John Hutchens on being informed of his election declined to serve and was excused from acting. Andrew Van Wie} Chairman A. C. Huntley}  secretary Trustees Gilbert Haskell 5 years Peter Silvernail4 year Frank O'Dell 3 years Andrew Van Wie 2 years Austin Huntley 1 years

Report Of The Treasurer Oct. 5, 1891

expenses for roofing the church

Cost of material for roof 114.65

cost of labor 22.50

painting roof 5.00

total 142.15

contribution of the Ladies' aid society 55.64

Also the Literary society 18.69


the balance was raised on subscriptions by the community. M. J. Brown} Treas.

Cheshire October 14Th 1891

At the annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society of Canandaigua held at the church in Cheshire on the evening of the above date, James E. Chase was chosen chairman and Gilbert E. Haskell, secretary. Minutes of the last meeting was read. Peter Slivernail then read the financial report of the preceding year. This report was accepted. Austin Huntley was chosen trustee for five years. On Motion of Andrew Van Wie, Mary J. Brown was chosen Sec. And Treasurer for one year. G.E. Haskell was instructed to procure coal and wood for the following winter. Adjourned for one year. James E. Chase} Chair G. E. Haskell} Sec. Trustees Austin Huntley 5 years Gilbert Haskell4 years Peter Silvernail 3 year Frank O'Dell 2 years Andrew Van Wie 1 year

Cheshire November 2 1892

At the annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society of Canandaigua held at the church in Cheshire on the evening of the above date, Eugene Sanford was chosen chairman and Gilbert E. Haskell, secretary. Minutes of the last meeting was read. The report of the Sec. and treasure the Society was read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to the election of a trustee. On Motion of Peter Silvernail, Andrew Van Wie, was chosen for a term of five years. Mary J. Brown was re-elected Sec. and Treasurer for one year. On motion of G. E. Haskell a unanimous consent was given to the Ladies' Aid Society to hold an elocution, recital. The proceeds for the benefit of the church in Cheshire where the recital was to be held. The meeting then extended a vote of thanks to Lewis M. Johnson, for the two lamps presented by him for the use of the church. G. E. Haskell was asked to solicit subscriptions for expenses of the church for the coming year. Eugene Sanford} Chair G. E. Haskell's Sec.. Trustees Andrew Van Wie5 year Austin Huntley 4 years Gilbert Haskell3 years PeterSilvernail2years Frank O'Dell 1 year

Report Of The Treasurer Oct. 10, 1893

The Ladies' Aid Society contributed seventy five dollars and seventeen cents for the purpose of painting the inside of the church. Likewise fifteen dollars and sixty cents was expended for painting the roof of the church. A special collection was taken at the morning service & five dollars and fifty cents was received. The remainder by subscription from the community. M. J. . Brown} Treasurer

Cheshire, Oct. 11, 1893

At the annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society of Canandaigua held at the church in Cheshire on the evening of the above date. Eugene Sanford was chosen chairman. The report of the Sec. and treasurer of the Society was read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to the election of a trustee. Frank O'Dell was re-elected for a term of five years. Mary J. Brown was re-elected Sec. and Treasurer for one year. The meeting extended a vote of thanks to the Ladies' Aid Society for kindly assisting in the repairs of the church. Adjourned for one year. Eugene Sanford} Clair M... J. Brown} sec.. Trustees Frank O'Dell 5 years Andrew Van Wie 4 years Austin Huntley 3years Gilbert Haskell 2 years Peter Silvernail 1 year

Cheshire, Oct. 10, 1894

At the annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society of Canandaigua held at the church in Cheshire on the evening of the above date. Rev. W. H. Ward was chosen chairman. The report of the Sec. and treasurer of the Society was read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to the election of a trustee. Peter Silvernail was re-elected for a term of five years. Mary J. Brown was re-elected Sec. and Treasurer for one year. Adjourned for one year. W. H. Ward} Chairman M. J. . Brown} Sec. Trustees Peter Silvernail5 years Frank O'Dell 4 years Andrew Van Wie 3 years Austin Huntley 2 years Gilbert Haskell 1 year

Cheshire, Oct. 15, 1895

At the annual meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society of Canandaigua held at the church in Cheshire on the evening of the above date. Rev. W. H. Ward was chosen chairman. The report of the Sec. and treasurer of the Society was read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to the election of a trustee. Gilbert Haskell was re-elected for a term of five years. Mary J. Brown was re-elected Sec. and Treasurer for one year. Adjourned for one year. W. H. Ward} Chairman M. J. . Brown} Sec. Trustees Gilbert Haskell5 years Peter Silvernail 4 years Frank O'Dell 3 years Andrew Van Wie 2years Austin Huntley 1 year

Cheshire, May 6, 1896

The Trustees of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society held a meeting in the church in Cheshire on the evening of the above date to transact the following business: The finance had not been sufficient the past year to cancel all of the expenses of the church. Sibley Nott was called to the Chair and it was moved and seconded that Sibley Nott solicit subscriptions for that purpose. A special meeting was then called for. The object being to choose a pulpit committee as the church had not been supplied with a pastor for the following year. Adjourned for two weeks. Sibley Nott, Chairman. M. J. . Brown, Sec.

Cheshire May 20, 1895

A special meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society was held in the church in Cheshire on the evening of the above date to choose a pulpit committee. Andrew Van Wie was called to the Chair. A resolution was offered to that effect but not accepted. The finance as yet was incomplete to meet the demand and a further effort was to be made by Mr. Wilbur. Adjourned for one week. Andrew Van Wie, Chairman. M. J. Brown, Sec.

Cheshire, May 27, 1896

?? adjourned meeting from the date of May 20, was held in the church of Cheshire of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society on the evening of the above date, Andrew Van Wie, Chairman. The resolution lost at the last meeting was presented and accepted. C. H. Wilbur, G. B. Haskell, B.Y. O'Dell was chosen to act as pulpit committee. The finance question was to be taken into the church the earliest opportunity of church service. Andrew Van Wie, Chairman, M. J. Brown, Secretary. The pulpit committee was chosen of the adjourned meeting of May 27, 1896 for the purpose of supplying the pulpit of the Union Church in Cheshire. Report as follows: Subscription was raised for that purpose. Ninety-two dollars and twenty-five cents: ($92.25).

Rev. Lawrence, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Can. received Forty-five dollars ($45) for nine services.

Rev. Jones, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Can. received twenty dollars ($20) for four services,

Rev. Campbell, Pastor of the Methodist Church, Can. received Ten dollars($10) for two services.

Rev. Dickinson, Pastor of the Congregational Church, Can. received Ten dollars ($10) for two services,

Rev. Post, of Bristol, received Three dollars ($3) for one service.

Four dollars and twenty-five cents ($4.25) both ways remaining of this subscription was paid to Mr. Miles, a student from Rochester.

Two services and expenses of the same amounting to Twelve dollars and thirty-two cents ($12.32) both ways. Five dollars ($5) of this amount drawn from a former ministers' fund, and the remainder Three Dollars and seven cents($3.07) by collection. The finance was met and the church wholly out of debt.

Cheshire October 14, 1895.

At the Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society held at the church in Cheshire on the evening of the above date, Sibley Nott was chosen Chairman. The report of the Secretary and Treasurer was then read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to the election of the Trustee. On motion of Peter Silvernail Lewis M. Johnson was nominated and elected for a term of five years. M. J. Brown was reelected Secretary and Treasurer for one year. Adjourned for one year. Sibley Nott, Chairman. M. J. Brown, Secretary Trustees: Lewis M. Johnson - five years Gilbert B. Haskell -four years Peter Silvernail - three years Frank O'Dell - two years Andrew Van Wie - one year.

Report Of The Treasurer November 14, 1896

The Ladies Aid Society of Cheshire and vicinity furnished One hundred and thirty-three dollars ($133), and with the aid of the Trustees, placed new cushions in the Union Church, satisfactory to all. M. J. Brown, Treasurer.

Cheshire, October 21, 1897

The adjourned Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society, was held at the Church in Cheshire on the evening of the 21st. A. C. Huntley chosen Chairman. Secretary and Treasurer's report read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to the election of a Trustee in the place of Andrew Van Wie (whereas time expired). A. C. Huntley was elected Trustee for five years. Mrs. Carrie Johnson elected Secretary and Treasurer for one year. The pulpit committee chosen were A. C. Huntley, G. E. Haskell, L. M. Johnson.

The amount of money in the treasury is as follows:

Ministers" Fund $560

Church Collection $14.49

Cemetery Fund $39.07.

Meeting adjourned one year. Mrs. Carrie Johnson, Secretary A. C. Huntley, Chairman Trustees: A. C. Huntley - five years L. M. Johnson - four years G.. C. Haskell - three years Peter Silvernail - two years Frank O'Dell -one year

Cheshire October 14, 1898

The Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society was held at the Church in Cheshire on the evening of the above date. G. E. Haskell, Chairman of the meeting. Report of the Secretary and Treasurer read and approved. Meeting then proceeded to the election of a Trustee, five years, in place of Frank O'Dell whose time expired. Henry D. Rossier was nominated and elected Trustee, and Mrs. Carrie E. Johnson, Secretary and Treasurer for one year. Decided that the same Pulpit Committee shall act until the first of May, 1899, who were: A. C. Huntley, G. E. Haskell, L. M. Johnson. Remarks by Mr. Silvernail and Chairman and also Mr. S. E. Nott. The amount of money in treasury is as follows:

Ministers' fund: $.60,

Church Fund $6.06;

Cemetery fund: #31.07.

Meeting adjourned one year until the second Wednesday in October, 1899.Mrs. Carrie E. Johnson, Secretary. G. E. Haskell, Chairman Trustees: H D.. Rossier - five years A. C. Huntley - four years L. M. Johnson - three years G. E. Haskell - two years Peter Silvernail - one year

Cheshire, October 11, 1899

The Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society was held on the evening of the above date. S. R. Doolittle acting as Chairman of the meeting. Reports of the Secretary and Treasurer read and approved.  The meeting then proceeded to the election of a Trustee for five years in place of Peter Silvernail, whose time expired. Melvin Deuel was nominated and elected Trustee and Nellie M. H. Phillips elected Secretary and Treasurer for one year. Pulpit Committee chosen as follows: Melvin Deuel Barney Weaver Stillman Doolittle The amount remaining in the Treasury on October 11,1899 is as follows: Ministers' Fund $ .60 Church $6.83 Cemetery $28.07Meeting adjourned one year until the second Wednesday in October, 1900.Nellie M. H. Phillips, Secretary S. R. Doolittle, Chairman Trustees: Melvin Deuel - five years H. D. Rossier- four years A. C. Huntley - three years L. M. Johnson - two years G. E. Haskell- one year

Cheshire October 9, 1901

Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society was held at the church in Cheshire on the evening of the above date. A. C. Huntley acting as Chairman of the meeting. The report of the Secretary and Treasurer was read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to elect a Trustee for five years. L. M. Johnson was reelected and Mabel Hutchins elected Secretary and Treasurer for one year. Decided that the same Pulpit Committee would act for the following year. Pulpit Committee for one year: Harrison Hyde Henry Rossier Elmer Lucas The amount remaining in Treasury is as follows:

Ministers' Fund: $.57

Church $25.46

Cemetery $16.07

Meeting adjourned until November 6, 1901. Mabel Hutchins, Secretary and Treasurer A. C. Huntley, Chairman Trustees: L. M. Johnson - five years G. E. Haskell - four years Melvin Duel - three years Henry Rossier - two years A. C. Huntley - one year

Cheshire, November 6, 1902

At the Special Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society called on the above date, A. C. Huntley was chosen Chairman of the meeting. It was voted that we accept the proposition of the owners of the cemetery. Namely that L. M. and H. S. Johnson would give their share if the money could b e raised to purchase Mrs. Adele Munson's share. The Trustees were appointed to raise the same: Mabel N. Hutchins

Cheshire, October 8, 1902

The Annual Meeting of the Free Baptist Union Society, Canandaigua, was held in the church in Cheshire on the above date G. E. Haskell, Chairman of the meeting. Report of the Secretary and Treasurer read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to elected a Trustee for five years in the place f A. C. Huntley, whose term expired. J. B. Hall was elected and Mabel A. Hutchins reelected Secretary and Treasurer. The amount remaining in the treasury

Ministers' Fund $.57

Cemetery Fund $16.07

Mabel N. Hutchins, Secretary G. E. Haskell, Chairman Meeting adjourned until October 15, 1902 (sic) Trustees: J. B. Hall - five years L. M. Johnson - four years G. E. Haskell - three years Geo. M. Duel - two years H. D. Rossier - one year

October 15, 1903

At a Special Meeting called by the Baptist Freewill Association for the purpose of taking into consideration the improving of the cemetery. G. E. Haskell was called to the Chair by a vote of all present the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved that the Trustees of said society (who are Trustees of said Cemetery by Art. 16 of Constitution) be empowered to acquire the new cemetery adjoining and incorporate both cemeteries as one according to the State of New York. Mabel Hutchins, Secretary.

June 29, 1903 Special Meeting

Meeting called to order by the Secretary. G. E. Haskell was chosen as Chairman, and the following resolution was adopted: Resolved: The Board of Trustees of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society, New York, be authorized and empowered to transfer and convey pursuant to the direction and order of the proper court, provided the same be hereafter obtained and in pursuance of the Statute in such case made and provided t the Pine Bank Cemetery Association the cemetery of the said First Freewill Baptist Union Society, New York. The same to be received and thereafter held, and owned and managed by it in pursuance of the Statute in such case made and provided. A description of the said cemetery by metes and bounds which it is hereby Resolved to transfer as aforesaid is as follows: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the Town of Canandaigua, County of Ontario, and State of New York, being the premises known as the Cheshire Cemetery and now devoted to the purpose of and used as a cemetery for the burial of the dead, which premises are bounded and described as follows: bounded on the north line by the south line of the highway leading easterly from Cheshire to Canandaigua Lake, past the residences now occupied by Wellington Curtis: on the east by the line of lands owned by George Curtis and now occupied by Wellington Curtis: on the south by the line of lands of said George Curtis and now occupied by said Wellington Curtis, and the line of lands now owned and occupied by Sibyl Spaulding: and on the west by the line of lands of Pinebank Cemetery Association and the right of way thereto conveyed to said Pinebank Cemetery Association by Lewis M. Johnson, et al. The length of said several boundaries being approximately as follows: Viz.: North boundary 160 feet: the east boundary 627 feet: the south boundary 181 & frac 12; feet: and the west boundary 627 feet: I do hereby certify that the following is a copy of Resolution duly adopted by unanimous vote of the members of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society, New York. at a meeting duly held at the Church edifice of said Society in Cheshire, New York, on the 29 day of June, 1903. It was also voted that the money in the Treasurer's hands be transferred to the Treasurer of the Pine Bank Association. Meeting then adjourned. Mabel Hutchins, Secretary.

And a special meeting of the Trustees convened, at which meeting G. E. Haskell was elected President of the Trustees and the following Resolution was adopted: Whereas the First Freewill Baptist Union Society, New York, has at a meeting of the members thereof duly held pursuant to due notice thereof authorized, empowered and directed the Trustees of said Society to sell, transfer and convey the cemetery of said Society to Pinebank Cemetery Association, pursuant to the provision of the Statutes in such case made and provided, and subject to the direction and approval of the Court on proper application therefor, which cemetery is described by metes and bounds as follows: All that tractor parcel of land situate in the Town of Canandaigua, County of Ontario and State of New York. Being the premises known as the Cheshire Cemetery and now devoted the purposes of and used as cemetery for the burial of the dead, which premises are bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the north by the south line of the highway leading easterly from Cheshire to Canandaigua Lake. Past the residence now occupied by Wellington Curtis: on the East by the line of lands owned by George Curtis and now occupied by Wellington Curtis: on the south by the line of lands of said George Curtis now occupied by said Wellington Curtis, and the line of lands now owned and occupied by Sybil Spaulding: and one the west by the line of lands of the Pinebank Cemetery Association. And the right of way thereto, conveyed to said Pinebank Cemetery Association by Lewis M. Johnson, et al. The length of said several boundaries being approximately as follows: viz.: North boundary 160 feet: the East boundary627 feet: The South boundary181 & frac 12; feet: the West boundary 627feet: and whereas the said Pinebank Cemetery Association which is a cemetery corporation duly organized and existing, located at Cheshire aforesaid has agrees to accept a conveyance of said property and thereafter hold, manage and control the same in pursuance of the Statute sin such case made and provided. Now, therefore, resolved, the whole number of Trustees of said First Freewill Baptist Union Society, New York, being present and voting unanimously therefore, that the Trustees of the said Society hereby authorize the sale, transfer and conveyance of said property above described to the said Pine Bank Cemetery Association when and as soon as the said sale, transfer and conveyance shall be duly authorized by a competent court, that the President of the said Board of Trustees, be, and he is hereby authorized to make, execute and deliver the proper deed of conveyance of said premises in the name and in behalf of the said First Freewill Baptist Union Society, New York, in case and as soon as leave to sell, transfer and convey the same shall have been granted by the Court on proper application therefor. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a copy of the Resolution which was adopted by the unanimous vote of the Trustees of the above named First Freewill Baptist Union Society, New York, all being present and voting at a meeting of the said Board of Trustees duly called and convened for the purpose of acting on said Resolution at the Church edifice of said Society on the 29 day of June, 1903. Dated: June 29,1903. Mabel Hutchins, Secretary.

Cheshire, October 14, 1903

The Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society was held at the Church in Cheshire in the evening of the above date. The meeting was presided over by G. E. Haskell, President of the Board of Trustees. The report of the Secretary and Treasurer read and approved. Meeting then proceeded to the election of the Trustee for a term of five years in the place of H. D. Rossier, whose term expired. Heber Hyde was nominated and elected Trustee and Mabel Hutchins reelected Secretary and Trustee for one year. Turned the balance of the Cemetery Fund $11.07 over to Elmer Lucas, Secretary of the Pine bank Cemetery Association. Meeting adjourned to the second Wednesday in October, 1904. Mabel M. Hutchins, Secretary. Trustees: Heber Hyde - five years J. B. Hall - four years L. M. Johnson- three years G. E. Haskell - two years G. M. Duel - one year

Cheshire, October 22, 1904

Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society was held at the Church in Cheshire on the evening of the above date. The meeting was presided over by G E. Haskell, President of the Board of Trustees. The report of the Secretary and Treasurer read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to the election of Trustees for a period of five years in the place of G. M. Duel, deceased. F. M. Hutchins was nominated and elected Trustee and Mabel Hutchins was reelected Secretary and Treasurer for one year. Meeting adjourned until the second Wednesday, 1905. Trustees: F. M. Hutchins - five years Heber Hyde - four years J. B Hall - three years L. M. Johnson - two years G. E. Haskell - one year

Cheshire, October 14, 1905

Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society was held at the Church in Cheshire on the evening of the above date. The meeting was presided over by J. B. Hall, President of the Board of Trustees. The report of the Secretary and Treasurer read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to the election of Trustees for a period of five years in the place of G. E. Haskell. G. E. Haskell was nominated and reelected Trustee and Mabel Hutchins was reelected Secretary and Treasurer for one year. Meeting adjourned until the second Wednesday, 1906. Trustees: G. E. Haskell- five year F. M. Hutchins - four years Heber Hyde - three years J. B. Hall - two years L. M. Johnson - one year

Cheshire, October 17, 1906

Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society was held at the Church in Cheshire on the evening of the above date. The meeting was presided over by G. E. Haskell, President of the Board of Trustees. The report of the Secretary and Treasurer read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to the election of Trustees for a period of five years in the place of L.M. Johnson, term expired. L. M. Johnson, was nominated and reelected Trustee and Gracia Townsend was elected Secretary and Treasurer for one year. Meeting adjourned until the second Wednesday, 1907. Trustees: L. M. Johnson - five year G. E. Haskell - four years L. M. Hutchens - three years Heber Hyde -two years J. B. Hall - one year

Cheshire, October 9, 1907

Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society was held at the Church in Cheshire on the evening of the above date. The meeting was presided over by J. B. Hall, Chairman of the Meeting. The report of the Secretary and Treasurer read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to the election of Trustees for a period of five years in the place of J. B. Hall, term expired. J. B. Hall, was nominated and reelected Trustee and Gracia Townsend was reelected Secretary and Treasurer for one year. Meeting adjourned until the second Wednesday, 1908. Trustees: J. B. Hall- five year L. M. Johnson - four year G. E. Haskell - three years L. M. Hutchens - two years Heber Hyde - one year

Cheshire, October 9, 1908

Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society was held at the Church in Cheshire on the evening of the above date. The meeting was presided over by J. B. Hall, Chairman of the Meeting. The report of the Secretary and Treasurer read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to the election of Trustees for a period of five years in the place of Heber Hyde, term expired. Elmer Lucas, was nominated and elected Trustee and Gracia Townsend was reelected Secretary and Treasurer for one year. Meeting adjourned until the second Wednesday, 1909. Trustees: Elmer Lucas- five years J. B. Hall - four year L. M. Johnson - three year G. E. Haskell- two years L. M. Hutchens- one year

November 9, 1909

Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society which was postponed from October 13 on account of repairing the Church was held on the evening of the above date. G. E. Haskell was appointed Chairman of the meeting. The following Secretary and Treasurer's reports were read and approved.

The amount in the treasury from last year $33.36. Amount of collections to October 13, $78.64 , making a total of $112. Expenses for the year $92.83 Leaving a balance of $19.17.

The Trustees' report: The report of the Trustees of First Freewill Baptist Union Society for the year ending October 13, 1909. In the month of June,1909, the Young Ladies Club of Cheshire purchased new outside doors for the Church. The amount paid was $14. During the same month the vestibule walls were calsomized, and the floor painted, costing $3.25. In October, the Ladies Aid Society of Cheshire entered into a contract with A. E. Fisher of Rochester to redecorate the interior of the Church. The amount to be paid was $350. Contract called for a thorough washing and preparation of the walls, the work to be done in oil and by first-class workmen. This work was commenced October 11,l909. The workmen were Charles Watson of Sodus, and Polly of Rochester who prepared the walls for the designer. October 20 Mr. William Lusk of Rochester, an artist of note, and a specialist in church and house decoration came and, together with the other workmen, carried out the terms of the contract in a most satisfactory manner. This work called for a thorough cleaning and varnishing the seats, and woodwork to harmonize with the decorations of the wall. The Trustees entered into a contract with the same firm to do this work. Sum paid to be $50. This work called for the cleaning and painting of the floor to harmonize with the rest of the Church, which was done by the day by the same workmen. It was found necessary to go over the floors six different times to imitate hardwood finish. This was also done in a most satisfactory manner also costing $50.The total amount paid for improvement for the interior of the Church was $450.Trustees:J. B. Hall Elmer Lucas G. E. Haskell Elmer Lucas, who had serve done year as Trustee, resigned. His resignation was accepted. Henry Rossier was elected Trustee five years in the place of Floyd M. Hutchins. Frank Isham was elected Trustee four years in place of Elmer Lucas. Mrs. Salem Haskell was elected Secretary and Treasurer for one year in place of Gracia Townsend. Meeting then adjourned until the second Wednesday in October, 19l0.TrusteesHenry Rossier - five years Frank Isham - four years J. B. Hall -three L. M. Johnson - two years G. E. Haskell- one year

Cheshire, October 12, 1910

Annual Meeting was called for on the above date. G. E. Haskell was appointed Chairman of the meeting. On the account of small number present, it was moved and carried to adjourn for one week October 19, 1910.

Cheshire, October 19, 1910

The adjourned Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society was held on the above date. G. E. Haskell, acting as Chairman. Secretary and Treasurer's report were read and approved as follows: Amount in Treasury from last year: $19.17 Received in collection during last year: $66.63Received for old windows and crating: $ 7.50 Total receipts: $90.33 Paid for coal $22.49 Paid for drawing and loading coal $ 2.50 Paid for janitor:$42.25 Paid for other expenses: $ .69 Total expenses: $67.93 Balance on hand October 12, 1910: $22.40 There has been 36 morning services and two evening services during the year. Have received on subscription $361.00Paid for preaching $358.50Leaving on hand October 12, 1910 $ 2.50 The meeting then proceeded to elect a Trustee in the place of G. E. Haskell whose term of office expired, he having served as Trustee for twenty-five years. Mark H. Montanye was duly elected for five years. Louise Rossier was elected Secretary and Treasurer for one year. There were eight voters present. The meeting then adjourned until the second Wednesday in October,1911. Trustees: Mark H. Montanye - five years Henry Rossier - four years Frank Isham - three years J. B. Hall - two years L. M. Johnson - one year

Sketch Of 70Th Anniversary

Of The Freewill Baptist Society In Cheshire. Sunday, December 10, 191070th Anniversary of Organization of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society of Cheshire was observed on Sunday, December 10, 1910. There was special music by the choir, which was composed of Mrs. Maud Curtis, Miss Kay Deuel, the Misses Lois Huntley and Gracia Townsend, Messieurs Ray Van Wie, ? Holcomb, Sibley E. Nott, and Frank A. Hall. Rev. Wm. E. Searles, Pastor, preached a short sermon. Mr. Gilbert E. Haskell gave an historical sketch of the Society from the time of its organization, which was in 1840 on December5th until the present time. Among the facts not found in the Church records, we find the First Church building was erected during the summer of 1841on the site now occupied by the present edifice and was used for Church purposes for 30years until the year 1870 when the present Church building was erected and dedicated on Thursday, October27, 1870. Dr. George H. Ball of New York preached the sermon. The choir was in charge of Sibley E. Nott and was composed of Andrew Van Wie and Edgar Lilly, bases, Abram Van Wie and Frank Stiles, tenor, Mrs. Adelle Munson and Miss Belle VanWie, soprano; Mrs. Andrew Van Wie and Miss Mary Hurd alto; Miss Herrorre Organist. The amount of money raised a the dedication was $608.50 which was enough to pay all indebtedness. The decoration of  the Church was done by D. S. Corwise of Buffalo at a cost of $303 and was a beautiful piece of work in water colors and was admired by all who saw it. The painting was done by Joseph Mitchell of Bristol at a cost of $111. Nearly all the timbers for the Church were donated by the Meneteith brothers of Meneteith Point.

April 10, 1911

Rev. Wm. E. Searles of Canandaigua, a Methodist, became Pastor. During the year of 1911 much has been done to beautify the grounds. Following memorial windows have been given: Oriel window, Gilbert E. Haskell, Salem Haskell and Abel Haskell. One vestibule window XX Club. One vestibule window Ladies Aid Society. In the Audience room the Ladies Aid presented a large window in the back and the first two by the doors. The rest were presented as follows: One given by John B. Hall. One given by Wm. Montanye and Mrs. Nettie  Montanye in memory of their grandfather, Peter Silvernail. One given by Mrs. Marilla Van Wie and children for Andrew Van Wie. One given by Henry D. Rossier. Louise Rossier, Secretary.

Cheshire October 12, 1912

The Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society was held on the evening of October 11. Mark H. Montanye, acting as Chairman. The Secretary's report was read and approved as follows: Amount on hand October 10, 1910: $ 22.40 Amount of collections for the year: $ 86.40 Amount from sale of windows: $ 5.25 Totaled $114.05 Expenses paid as follows: Janitor work $ 48.00 Paid for coal and oil $ 7.26 Paid Pike Company for windows$6.50 Bill for wire netting $ 3.67 Two cords of wood $ 4.00 A long standing livery bill $ 3.00 Car fare for Dr. Butler $ 5.00 Stove black ?? brush$ .25New tile in driveways $ 3.30 Drawing load of coal $ 1.00 Paid Kelly for stovepipe$3.75 For Pike Company money order $ 1.19 Total $ 86.02Amount received $114.05Minus amount paid out $ 86.02 Amount on hand $28.03 The meeting then proceeded to elect a Trustee in place of Lewis Johns on whose term of office had expired. Mr. Johnson was reelected for five years and Louise Rossier reelected Secretary and Treasurer. There were seven voters present. There being no further business to be transacted, the meeting adjourned until the second Wednesday in October, 1912. There have been48 morning services and two evening services. Have received $247 on the subscription paper; have paid Rev. Wm. E. Searles $240. He is paid up to October 1st. Balance on hand of $7. Louise Rossier, Secretary Treasurer. Trustees: Lewis Johnson - five years. Mark Montanye - four years Henry D. Rossier - three years Frank Isham - two years John B. Hall - one year

October 9, 1912

The Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society was held at the Union Church in Cheshire Wednesday evening, October 9. H. D. Rossier was appointed Chairman. The Secretary's report for the past year was read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to elect a Trustee in the place of John B. Hall, resigned. The Secretary was instructed to cast a ballot for George Nethaway, Trustee for five years. Louise Rossier was reelected Secretary for the ensuing year. The meeting then adjourned until the second Wednesday in October, 1913. During the year the Church has been painted by Howard Doolittle at a cost of $86. One-half of the expense was paid by the Amusement Club. Trustees: George Nethaway - five years Lewis Johnson- four years Mark Montanye- three years Henry D. Rossier - two years Frank Isham - one year

October 10, 1913

Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society was held at the Union Church in Cheshire Wednesday evening, October 18. H. G. Rossier was appointed Chairman. Secretary's report was read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to elect a Trustee in the place of Frank Isham who was reelected. Louise Rossier was reelected as Secretary and Treasury. There were 11 voters present. There has been 48 morning and four evening services. Amount on hand from October 1912 was $14.42 Amount received from collection $81.62Total$96.04 Paid Janitor $49.00 Organ tuner $ 5.00 Prof. Osborne SS man $ 5.00 Wood $ 4.00 Coal $ 7.00 Re-seating chairs $ 1.70 Total$72.70Leaving a balance $23.32 Meeting then adjourned the second Wednesday of October 1914. Trustees: Frank Isham - five years George Nethaway - four years L. M. Johnson - three years Mark Montanye - two years H. D. Rossier- one year Louise Rossier, Secretary and Treasurer.

October 14, 1914

The adjourned meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Society was held at the Union Church in Cheshire on October 14. G. E. Haskell was appointed Chairman. The meeting then proceeded to elect a Trustee in the place of H. D. Rossier whose term of office expired. He was reelected for five years. Louise Rossier was reelected Secretary and Treasurer. The Secretary's report was read and approved. It was voted that G. E. Haskell circulate a paper to pay the insurance. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned until October, 1915. Rev. William E. Searles has held 47 services during the year at $10 per Sunday. Total expense $132.92. Amount from collection$167.10,leaving a balance on hand of $ 34.48. Trustees: Henry Rossier- five years Frank Isham - four years Geo. Nethaway - three years L. M. Johnson - two years Mark Montanye - one year


Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Church was held at the Union Church in Cheshire on October 10, 1915. G. E. Haskell was appointed Chairman. Received from collection during the year: $96.50 Expenditures for the year: $63.09 balance lest on hand $33.4l 1916 The Annual Meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Church was held the evening of October 9th.Frank Isham was elected Chairman. The Treasurer's report was read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to elect a Trustee in the place of Lewis Johnson whose term of office expired. John H. Murray was elected. Louise Rossier was reelected Secretary and Treasurer. Then having no other business, the meeting adjourned until the second Wednesday in 1917. Amount from collection$96.51 Expenses $62.93 Amount on hand $33.31 Trustees: John Murray - five years Frank Isham - four years Henry Rossier - three years Mark Montanye- two years George Nethaway - one year


The Annual Meeting of the Freewill Baptist Church was held on the evening of October 10 1917, at 8 o'clock .The meeting was called to order by Rev. F. F. Humphries who was then appointed Chairman. The Treasurer's report was read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to elect a Trustee in the place of Geo. Nethaway whose term of office expired. Morton Jones was chosen. Louise Rossier was reelected as Secretary and Treasurer. G. E. Haskell collected $34.50 to pay the insurance premium again of which sum the Ladies Aid gave $10. Mrs. Flora Phillips, organist, was given a Christmas present. Collections during year was $94.12. Expenses were $73.18. Total on hand $20.94. The Minister's fund received $20 from the will of Lucius Marble and $5 was given to the Sunday School. There have been 38 morning services and quite a number of evening services. There being no other business to come before the meeting, it adjourned till the second Wednesday in October,1918. Trustees: Morton Jones - five years John Murray - four years Frank Isham - three years Henry Rossier - two years Mark Montanye - one year


The adjourned meeting of the 1st Freewill Baptist Church Society Canandaigua was held on the evening of October 9. John Murray acting as Chairman. The Secretary's report was read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to elect a Trustee in the place of Mark Montanye whose term of office had expired. Mrs. Salem Haskell was elected for a term of five years. Louise Rossier was reelected for one year. There were 16 voters present and 15votes were cast. It was recommended that prayer meeting be held before service on Sunday at 10:15. The people seemed pleased to have the Rev. Wm. E. Searles back with them again during his serious illness in the Spring. Rev. George Searles, a former Pastor, officiated. The meeting adjourned till the second Wednesday in October, 1919. Trustees: Mrs. Salem Haskell- five years Morton Jones - four years John Murray - three years Frank Isham - two years Henry Rossier - one year Amount received $67.54 Expenses$42.30 Total $25.24 1919 May 25 Rev. Wm. E. Searles baptized the following babies at the time of the regular service: Kenneth Willys Montanye, Charles Standish Penoyer, Victor Lewis Bunnell, Marion Bunnell, Lena Evelyn Jones, Gladys Olmstead, Emily Corser, Donald Outhouse, Harold Outhouse, James Outhouse, Irving N. Jones.

June 15

Rev. Wm. E. Searles baptized the following young people: Florence Carter, Ira Tuttle, J. Melvin Deuel, Milton Stewart Hall, Glenn Standish Murray, Carl Smith, Carrol Phillips, Eugenia Johnson, Jessie Johnson.

August 3

Holy Communion was celebrated this morning after the sermon by the Rev. Wm. E. Searles. About 28 partook.


The adjourned meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Church, Canandaigua, was held at the Union Church in Cheshire on October 8, 1919. George N. Nethaway was chosen Chairman. Secretary's report was read and accepted. The meeting then proceeded to elect Trustee. It was moved to reelect Henry D. Rossier whose term of office had expired. Louise Rossier was reelected Secretary and Treasurer. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned until the second Wednesday in October, 1920. Trustees: Henry D. Rossier- five years Mrs. Salem Haskell - four years Morton Jones - three years John Murray - two years Frank Isham - one year Amount of collections: $84.12Expenses: $68.35Balance on hand:$16.37


June 27 On Children's Day the following babies were baptized by the Rev. Wm. E. Searles: William Everett Douglas, Viola Rice, Leulla Trickey, and Virginia Williamson, Maud Williamson (Mary Williamson).

October, 1920

The adjourned meeting of First Freewill Baptist Church was held on the evening, October 13. George Nethaway was appointed Chairman. The Secretary's report was read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to elect a Trustee. Three ballots were cast. Fred Cramer was elected for five year. Louise Rossier Druschell was reelected Secretary. There being no other business, the meeting adjourned until the second Wednesday in October, 1921. Trustees: Fred Cramer - five years Henry D. Rossier - four years Mrs. Salem Haskell- three years Morton Jones - two years John Murray - one year Amount of collection: $ 75.89 Extra for insurance: $ 19.50 Total $ 95.39 Extra for insurance: $ 15.00 Total $110.39 Disbursements: $ 87.57 Amount on hand:$ 22.82


The adjourned meeting of the First Freewill Baptist Union Church was held on the evening of October 12, 1921. Rev. Wm. Scott of Lima, acting Pastor, was appointed Chairman. The Secretary's report was read and approved. They then proceeded to reelect John H. Murray as Trustee for five years. Mrs. Merton Hall was elected to fill out the unexpired term of Mrs. Annette Haskell, resigned. Louise R. Druschel was reelected Secretary. Trustees: John Murray - five years Fred Cramer - four years Henry D. Rossier - three years Mrs. Merton Hall - two years Morton Jones - one year During 1921there has been only 27 church services as they stopped October 31 and began May 15. Received from collections: $49.16 Balance on hand: $22.82 Total:$71.98 Disbursements:$38.40Balance on hand: $33.58


The adjourned meeting of the Freewill Baptist Union Church was held at the Church on Wednesday evening, Oct. 11. Frank Isham was appointed Chairman. Secretary's report was read and approved. The meeting then proceeded to elect a Trustee. Morton Jones was reelected for five years. Louise R. Druschel was reelected for Secretary for the ensuing year. Trustees: Morton Jones - five years John Murray - four years Fred Cramer - three years Mrs. Merton Hall- two years H. D. Rossier - one year (NOTE: correct should be Merton Hall one year and Rossier two years) there has been 33 morning services. Church closed June 11. Balance on hand: $33.58Received from collection:$40.32 Total $73.90 Disbursements: $64.18 Balance on hand: $ 9.72 The S.S. Superintendent, William Druschel, has succeeded in having the Sunday School raise a fund to buy a large size stereopticon lantern for lectures and stimulating interest in Sunday School.


The adjourned meeting of the Freewill Baptist Union Church was held at the church on Wednesday evening, October 11. Morton Jones was made Chairman. The Secretary's report was read and accepted. The meeting then proceeded to elect the Trustee for five years in place of Henry D. Rossier whose term of office expired. William Druschel was elected. As the envelope system of raising money for the minister had been adopted, the duties of a Secretary were divided. Mrs. Frank Isham was elected Secretary and Merton Hall, Treasurer for the ensuing year. William E. Billingham who had been preaching since April 8 was hired for the year at $1,000.00 It was voted a card of thanks be sent to Mrs. L. Bunnell for raising money on McCall's subscription club for the Church. Also, to the Bluebird Club for a gift of $5.00 and to Judge Robert Thompson for check for $10.00 A motion made and carried for the Chair to appoint a committee to confer with the Trustees and Pastor to draft a set of aims and ideals to forma Church society that all could join without any objections so as to establish a Church membership. The committee was Mrs. Gertrude Douglass, Frank Isham, and Mrs. Louise R. Druschel. Sunday evening collections will go to provide one good movie picture a month. We have had "A Servant in the House", and many others. Received from collections: $165.82 Disbursements: Insurance, pictures, janitor, repairing lantern $134.91. Balance on hand:$ 30.71 for incidentals and also _______ for ministers' fund. Trustees: William Druschell - five years Morton Jones - four years John Murray - three years Fred Cramer - two years Jennie Hall - one year


(Written in pencil) Mr. Billingham, our Pastor. The meeting of the Freewill Baptist Church was held at the Church October 1st, 1924. Mrs. Gertrude Douglass was elected Trustee for five years in the place of Mrs. Merton Hall whose time expired. Mrs. Will Druschel was made Chairman of the meeting. Eleven present. Mr. Merton Hall, Treasurer and Carrie Isham, Secretary; Alletha Cramer, Organist; Mrs. Grace Curtis, Chorister. Paid Treasurer$1,079.03 (paid Billingham $20 a Sunday). On hand: $26.67. Mr. Billingham resigned August 31. To fill vacancy, we had Mr. Searles one Sun. and students the other Sundays until October 1st the beginning of another Church year. Then we had Mr. Hatt on trial for three Suns. for $15 a Sunday. November2 we began paying him $20a Sunday with one sermon a day till the 1st of June. Trustees: William Druschel- four years Morton Jones - Three years John Murray - two years Fred Cramer- one year Gertrude Douglass - five years

May 17, 1925

Mr. Hatt took his vacation for three Sundays - May 17, 24, 31. Then a return from his wedding trip from Halifax Church beginning June 7 with two services a day till the first of September when he returned to Rochester and came down Sunday mornings. October 7 had our Annual Meeting. Our expenses at a year were $1045.11. Our collection amounted $ 105.58. Societies of Cheshire gave us $ 267.06. 1925 October 7 At our Church meeting or Annual Meeting they elected for new Trustee Vic Munson five years. Those holding over were: Gertrude Douglass - four years Will Druschel - three years Morton Jones - two years John Murray - one year. Mrs. Carrie Isham, Secretary; Mr. Merton Hall, Treasurer. We hired Mr. Herbert Hatt for another year for $1,000. Mr. W. D. Groome, janitor $2 a Sunday; voted to let the choir get their own officers. Jan 31, 1926,we decided to try to get our Church into a Community Church so January 31,1926, we had a good congregation and a unanimous vote for a Community Church. We talked it over for three months before we tried and the thought seemed to take well with the people. The committees appointed to see to the business are our pastor, Mr. Hatt, Mrs. Gertrude Douglass and Victor Bentley.


Article l, Organization, This Church shall be known as the Cheshire Community Church.

Article ll, Church Covenant, Thankful for God's abundant goodness and His great gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord we covenant and agree together to seek, to know, and to do His Will and to promote, as far as we can, the interests of Christ's Kingdom at home and abroad. Accepting the Bible as the supreme standard of faith and duty, and the Holy Spirit as our guide and comforter, and heartily believing in the province of private judgment in the interpretation of the Scriptures we covenant together to recognize as Christians and worthy of our fellowship all who devoutly love the Lord Jesus Christ and accept His standard of teaching and conduct as set forth in the New Testament. Realizing that the success of the Church depends upon the consecration of its individuals membership, we covenant together to attend the services of the Church and to contribute according to our means for its support, to labor together to maintain its peace and harmony and as far as possible in every way to promote its temporal and spiritual welfare.

Article III Membership

Section I

It will not be necessary for those holding membership in other Evangelical churches to present letters for admission into this church. This means that it is not necessary to sever relations with their own denominations. In any event it will be necessary to sign the Church Covenant.

Section II

Applicants for Church Membership requiring baptism shall have an option as to the form of baptism; the choice being between sprinkling and immersion

Section III

All applications for Church Membership, excepting charter members shall be made to the Welfare Board and the pastor.

Section IV

Dismission by letter shall be made upon the recommendation of the Welfare Board and pastor. Letters may be granted at any regular meeting of the church. The letter shall be sent to the Pastor or Clerk of the Church to which dismission is made and certification of the action taken given to the Member. Three shall be a quorum.

Section V

A majority vote of Church Members present shall be necessary for the reception or dismission of any members.

Article IV Ordinances,

Baptism and the Lord's Supper shall be the Ordinances of the Church. The latter shall be observed on the first Sunday of January, April, July and October.

Article V Officials.

Section l

The Pastor shall be elected by a majority vote of the qualified voters present at a meeting of the Church called for that purpose. The Pastor shall be elected for the term of one year, but the pastoral relation may continue without further election from year to year. It may be terminated by mutual consent, by resignation of the Pastor or by a vote of the Church called for that purpose, to become effective thirty days after action has been taken.

Section ll

The Clerk shall be elected at all annual meeting to serve for one year.

Section lll

A Welfare Board composed of four members, two of whom shall be women, shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Church. At the first election one shall be elected for one year, one for two years, one for three years and one for four years. After the first election one shall be elected for a period of four years at each annual meeting of the Church. It shall be the duty of this Board to assist with the ordinances, do the work of ushers and in general to assist the Pastor in attending to the Spiritual and material needs of the Community. In so far as it is possible, the community shall be divided into two geographical divisions. Over each of these divisions one man and one woman shall have general oversight. Through this Board the Pastor is to be kept in closest possible touch with the community. This Board shall keep the Pastor informed of every situation that merits his attention.

Section IV

The Board of Trustees hall be composed of five members. They shall hold office for a period of five years, being elected at the annual meeting of the Church. At the first election one shall be elected for one year, one for two years, one for three years and one for four years, this being the present policy and is to stand. They shall be governed by the Laws of the State of New York relative to Independent Churches. They shall have charge of raising the church budget. They shall have power to appoint the Treasurer, who shall be other than one of their own number and appointed for one year. Shall also have power to provide Janitor Service for the Church. The Treasurer shall make monthly reports to the Board of Trustees and an annual report to the church.

Section V

A Benevolence Committee composed of three members, one of whom shall be Treasurer of Benevolence shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Church to serve for one year. It shall be the duty of this Committee to foster Missionary interest in the Church and to suggest distribution of all funds for that purpose.

Section VI

A Religious Education Board composed of three members shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Church; also the Pastor. This Board shall determine the Educational Policy of the Church School and shall have general oversight of the curriculum.

Section VII

The Women's Auxiliary. Their endeavors shall be to aid the Trustees of the Church with the financial task and to promote a more congenial social atmosphere in the church.

Section IX

The Ladies Aid Society.

Section X

A general Council shall be composed of the Pastor, the Clerk, the Church Treasurer, the Treasurer, the Treasurer of Benevolence, Chairman of Welfare Board, the Chairman of Trustees, Chairman of Religious Board of Education, Church School Superintendent, President of young People's Society, President of Women's Aid Society, Master of Grange, President of Parent-Teacher's Association. This Council is unofficial. It shall meet at the call of the Pastor.

Section XI

The pastor shall be ex-officio member of all boards and Committees.

Article VI

Business meeting of the church shall be held on the first Wednesday in October, at which time officers of the church shall be elected, reports made, financial and otherwise, from all official boards, and organizations of the church, and all committees subject to it. A quorum shall be at least ten members of church and congregation. The pastor shall preside or in his absence someone shall be elected from the group to present.

Article VII Amendments

Section I

All officers of the new church chosen at the time of organization to act until the first Wednesday in October so as to have the church year begin on the first Wednesday in October. At that time they may be re-elected or new ones elected.

Section 11

The by-laws may be amended at any annual meeting of the church or at any special meeting providing proper notice has been given stating the change proposed. It shall require a two thirds majority of those present to change the by-laws. 

Section III

A nominating committee shall be appointed at the annual meeting to nominate the officers for the following year. Welfare Committee Mrs. Burton Outhouse Mrs. Fred Cramer Fred Barnum W. Everett Douglass

Benevolence Committee Mrs. Ben Wheeler Mrs. Fred Barnes Mr. Fred Cramer

Church School Committee Mrs. Charles Penoyer Mrs. Louise Drushell Mrs. Frank Barnum

Trustees Wm. Drushell Morton Jones John Murray Vick Munson Gertrude Douglass

Secretary Mrs. Frank Isham

Treasurer Merton Hall

Advisory Board Chairman Of Benevolence Committee Chairman Of Church School Committee Chairman Of Welfare Board S.S. Superintendent - Mrs. Vick Munson President Of The Ladies' Aid Society - Mrs. O'Dell President Of The Women's Auxiliary - Mrs. E. Douglass President Of The Parent &Teachers Association - Mrs. Ward Master Of Grange- Mr. Cramer Chairman Of Trustees- Mr. Drushell President Of The Young People's Society.